As college applications are underway, representatives from various colleges and universities will visit the College Counseling Office through November 13. The college counseling office is located in room 330. Additionally, on select days, representatives from colleges will also be hosting meetings virtually instead of in person.
In order to prepare for these visits, college counselors ask students to look into programs that they may be interested in for the future. Junior Mia Gentile attended the Georgetown University visit on Sept 9, before she later visited the college in person. Mia stated that the meeting on the 9th was, “very informative and helpful.” Having prior knowledge before attending an in-person college visit was “extremely beneficial” Gentile reports.
Representatives came from colleges all around the country to participate in the National College Fair held at Navy Pier on Oct 5. This opportunity allowed for students to gather great amounts of information regarding colleges they were interested in a small amount of time. Parents and students were able to set up college interviews and collect necessary information about financial aid and educational programs at various colleges. If you want to obtain more information regarding this event, you can go to the NACAC website.
For students at Saint Ignatius, these visits are an opportunity for students to see how the grad-at-grad values they have applied to their learning through the past years, can be expanded and used in the future at collegiate levels. These visits not only prepare students for their college education, but also build up the foundation for students’ futures.